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 In this Rabi season, farmers can earn a good income from black wheat cultivation.

In this Rabi season, farmers can earn a good income from black wheat cultivation.

As we all know, the month of October will start after a few days. The sowing of Rabi crops starts in October. In such a situation, if you are a farmer then this is important news for you. Today we are telling you about sowing of such wheat crop, in which you will earn four times more profit at less cost.

India is called an agricultural country because 70% are farmers here. Different types of crops are grown in different parts of India. New experiments are being carried out from time to time to ensure better production of crops and increase the income of farmers, due to which farmers are adopting new varieties of farming. The time for harvesting Kharif crops has arrived. Now farmers have started preparing for the Rabi crop. In such a situation, today we are telling you about the sowing of black wheat in the Rabi crop, in which farmers will earn more profit at less expense.

Specialty of black wheat cultivation

If you are a farmer and want to sow such crops that yield more profits at less cost. In such a situation, you should cultivate black wheat in the Rabi season i.e. October-November. The specialty of this farming is that its cost is also low and it is sold at four times higher price than normal wheat.

Also read: How farmers can get good yield by timely management of wheat crop.

How is black wheat sown?

The months of October and November are most suitable for cultivating black wheat. There should be plenty of moisture for the cultivation of black wheat. During its sowing, use 60 kg DAP, 30 kg urea, 20 kg potash, and 10 kg zinc per acre in the field. Before irrigation of the crop, apply 60 kg urea per acre for the first time.

Irrigation of black wheat

Irrigation of black wheat is done 21 days after sowing. After this, keep irrigating from time to time according to the moisture. Be sure to irrigate at the time of earbud formation.

What is the difference between ordinary wheat and black wheat?

Black wheat contains high amounts of anthocyanin pigments. Because of this, it appears black. The amount of anthocyanin in it is 40 to 140 ppm. But, white wheat contains only 5 to 15 ppm.

Also read: Is your wheat crop also getting affected by this disease? Do pay attention to the symptoms.

What are the benefits of black wheat?

Anthrocyanin, i.e. natural anti-oxidant and antibiotic, is found in abundance in black wheat, which is successful in eliminating diseases like diabetes, mental stress, knee pain, anemia, heart attack, and cancer. Black wheat has many medicinal properties, due to which it is in great demand in the market and its price is also high.

How can farmers increase their income by growing black wheat

How can farmers increase their income by growing black wheat

Apart from increasing the income of farmers, black wheat cultivation is also very beneficial for health. The health benefits of consuming black wheat are it provides relief to many diseases like cancer, sugar, blood pressure and various other diseases. The main reason for this is that various types of nutrients are present in black wheat. Black wheat has been produced for many years. Additionally, black wheat contains a variety of nutrients. These nutrients include vitamins, minerals, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium, amino acids, copper, antioxidants, fiber and protein etc. 

All these nutrients are present in abundance in black wheat. And black wheat is also considered a complete grain. If a person consumes chapati made from black wheat, he is completely free from diabetes, blood pressure, heart patients, cancer, sugar and many other diseases. In India, black wheat cultivation is mostly in the north-eastern states. This variety gives maximum profit to the farmers in wheat cultivation. 

Benefits of consuming black wheat 
What are the cardiovascular benefits?

If you consume products made from black wheat, you will have significantly less risk of heart disease. Because it helps in maintaining normal cholesterol levels in the body.

Also read : This Rabi season farmers can earn money by growing black wheat

Consumption of black wheat is beneficial in diabetes

Black wheat anthocyanin intensely improves blood sugar and metabolism of diabetic patients. If diabetic patients consume black wheat products regularly, it will prove to be very beneficial for them.

Black wheat is very good for cancer patients

A research on black wheat has revealed that it has anti-cancer properties, which protect health from DNA damage. Also, it prevents cancer cells from spreading.